Sunday, September 11, 2011

Epic Mud Run

Last night Ultramax hosted the Epic Mud Run at Midway. Despite the fact that this weekend is Roots N Blues and the MS150, they had a great turn out. I did not run because I had done the half marathon in the morning, but my friend Cherie decided it would be fun to do and I went out to cheer her on and photograph the craziness for posterity.

A lot of the really muddy action happened back in the woods so I don’t have photos. But trust me, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE came back covered in mud from head to toe. There was even a section that required you to duck under some obstacles and thus get your whole head wet with muddy water.

There were so many participants that they left in waves. This is the start of wave #5. The race was chip timed.

This is Cherie’s husband Jason coming down the last slide. He looked like a pro!

This is Cherie on the same slide…..she did not glide with the greatest of ease. LOL

Random person with a really good splash.

Cherie going through the portable potty obstacle….she looks a bit hesitant doesn’t she?

Almost to the finish. She said her knees took a beating.

The proud muddy finishers.


Allia got a rejected peach drink and was pretty happy with it even if the can was a little muddy on the outside.

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