Monday, September 12, 2011

Fall Ballet Begins

Tonight was the first night for fall ballet lessons. We got there early and were ready to go. Alli spotted a girl from her summer class and was jumping up and down with joy. Then the teacher ushered them into the room and then this. As all the other girls lined up… Beanie headed to the wall and had a meltdown.

I was about to jump in when the teacher beat me to it. She evidently gave Bean the important job of holding her papers.

This coaxed her into joining the group but she was still looking concerned sitting right next to the teacher while facing away from the others.

It didn’t take her long to recover and she was up and dancing her best.
(click on photo to enlarge - she is 5 from the end.)

After class she was beaming with pride at how well she did in class.

I asked her what happened there at the beginning and she said all the kids were wrong. That she was expecting all the same girls that were there last summer. This makes total sense because every time before when she came back they were there. Now that she understands she is fine.

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