Saturday, September 10, 2011

Roots N Blues Half Marathon

I was more nervous than usual going into this race. Historically I have done bike races and I felt confident about my cycling skills so there was no reason to be nervous. All the other running races I have done, including 2 other half marathons, were more for fun than anything. I had never actually set a running goal for myself other than finish and have fun. So today, with a plan and a goal in mind, I drove downtown to see if I really could do what I set out to do.

The temperature was in the upper 60s, humid and overcast but I grabbed my sunglasses just in case.

The start was packed with people and I felt uncomfortable being up near the front but there was no way to move back. According to Andy’s blog there were 643 runners which is a lot of people to cram on to the road by Flatbranch Park.

Good for me…..I remember to punch my Garmin when I crossed over the timing mat.

My plan for the first mile was a 9:30 pace but I was in a huge crowd of runners so I felt that pressure to run with them. I keep looking down at my Garmin to see I was doing an 8 minute pace or faster. I tried to slow down but it felt so slow. People kept streaming past me like I was standing still and I was not running as slow as I should be. Surely all these people are not going to run this half in less than 2 hours. Is 2 hours really THAT slow?

By the second mile I was back on track with my pace at just under a 9 minute mile. By mile 3 we are on the Grindstone trail and I settle in to enjoy my run. Before you know it the first water stop is here at the 5.5 mile marker. I decide to quickly eat my goo and wash it down with a swig of water.

Then it was up the hill and on to the next long, level section I was looking forward to. As I ran in front of the Stony Creek Inn, I started to wonder if James would be on the course taking photos like we had planned. It looked like it could rain at any minute so he may have decided to stay home.

As I turned the corner onto Green Meadows, I saw a familiar face and there was my husband and my daughter smiling at me. I stopped and gave Beanie a kiss. I know she was excited to see me since we had been talking up this race for some time.

I was now reenergized and picked up my pace a bit. I was having a good race and feeling more confident that I would accomplish my goal of completing this half in less than 2 hours.

On the downhill on Forum I cut loose and passed about 25 people which felt great. I think only one or two ever passed me again. I kept thinking if I paced myself correctly I should be passing a lot of people at the end who had gone out too strong in the beginning.

Up Forum was the killer as expected. Looking at my data, I maintained my 9ish minute pace up the hill pretty well so no wonder it hurt.

Back on Stadium and down to the trial. At the trail head was the last water stop. I was feeling thirsty and thought it wise to drink but the kids manning the stop had NO full glasses. They literally handed you an empty cup and you had to stand there and fill it. Husband saw me stop and later criticized me for it. But I thought a quick drink at this point might be important.

Back in town they routed us south through campus; a last minute route change that was a bit unnerving. Also, my music was not on a song that I wanted so I was fiddling with my iPod too much. My pace started to fade and I was really starting to hurt. Feeling a bit aggravated at this point but I knew it was only one more mile so I finally tuned a song in and just ran it out. Glancing at my Garmin I could see I was around 8:55 for my average pace so I was pretty sure I was going to accomplish my goal.

(my sweet husband took all these photos)

As I rounded the last corner I gave Larry Sabulsky a high five and I was feeling elated. I saw Mike Tripp and gave him a big HELLO. Almost to the finish a suave young man dressed all in black cheered me on….it was Terry and I felt so happy I could bust. At the finish I was met by Stina, Cherie, Zoe, James and Beanie. It was sooooo nice to have them all there. I am such a lucky person to have such wonderful people in my life.

Final time was 1:56 minutes and my average pace was 8:56.

So… year…..shall we go 8:30 pace?

1 comment:

Tara said...

Great race report, you spend a lot more time writing good details then I do with my reports! LOL.

I think it was good that you stopped for water; no sense in getting dehydrated. I always have to walk through water stops, but it is worth the added time!