Sunday, August 08, 2010


Sunday morning we left the house at 6 am and drove to St. Louis to go to the Zoo. We arrived shortly after 8 a.m. as planned and got into the parking lot for free! Once inside, we went to the Children’s Zoo first because it is free the first hour after the Zoo opens.
(Bargain trip except the cost of gas.)

Allia enjoyed seeing the animals but was more interested in the things she could touch and manipulate. The insect house has a lot of interactive displays and she had a very good time opening the doors and pushing the buttons on those. She even flinched when she touched some fake worms and we were all totally grossed out by the REAL enormous cockroaches!

We were very excited when we got to watch two hippos wrestling like puppies.

After a few hours our girl got tired of it all and maybe over stimulated so she just started to tune it all out. We tried to get her to look at the apes and she just didn’t care anymore. It was starting to get hot so it was the perfect time to leave and grab some lunch.

Overall I would call the trip a success and it was good to be reminded that toddlers don’t have a long attention span and I should plan accordingly.

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