Sunday, August 15, 2010

Concrete Floors and Cooking Accidents

This weekend, both James and I were suffering from a sinus cold so we skipped our usual running and biking outings. Instead, we cleaned the basement on Saturday and then Sunday, when we finally got a break from the heat, we cleaned the garage.

Once we got the basement floor swept and mopped, James, feeling somewhat energetic thanks to a dose of Sudafed, decided to put a new coat of sealer down.

Look how pretty it turned out.

Saturday evening, Zoe and I did some cooking. She made a lemon cake with lemon icing. We also tried to make a batch of butternut squash soup. After we cooked all the ingredients we careful mashed them up and then stirred in the half and half. It was looking yummy.

The last step was to add some spices. I started with the cayenne pepper and sprinkled a little in……..then, I shook it one last time and the shaker lid popped off and ½ the jar of hot peppers fell into my soup.
OH NO!!!

We tried to save it, but it was ruined. I was sure mad at time I will shake into my hand first or use a measuring spoon.

Sunday we were going to take Allia to the park to play, but instead ended up at Dick’s sporting goods store where she had the best time trying out the exercise equipment, the kiddy bikes, playing with the balls, sitting in the folding chairs, and trying on the kids crocks.

Bean just loves this dress…….I think it is the wild colors.
I would like it better if it were not a bit too big for her.

Lately, she will not leave her hair up. I put it up and she pulls it out EVERY DAY!

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