Friday, February 05, 2010

Movies we’ve watched lately:

Monsters, Inc.

The whole family enjoyed watching this movie, but Alli wasn't begging to watch it over and over again like she does some movies (CinderElmo). I found the little girl, Boo, completely adorable and obviously she is about 2 years old. Also, the fur on the monster was amazing considering it is computer animation.


Being a runner I knew just a little bit about the running legend Steve Prefontaine, so I rented this movie to learn more. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and learned a lot in the process. I was expecting a documentary but what I got was a very nicely done mock-documentary. (Yea, I cried when he died.) I think the actor sure does look like the real runner.

The biggest flaw I saw was the 1997 movie made their 1970 shorts longer than they really were back then.
(Not that I remember.......well, maybe I do!)

Here is the photo to prove my point.....

This is the real Pre!!

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