Saturday, February 06, 2010

Today, Daddy and Slebos left early to go have adventure racing fun leaving me and the girls to do our own thing.

One of the first things we did was go to Target to buy Zoe a sweater and some tights and Allia some new boots. She has practically worn out one pair this winter.

(Some photos just don't work.....tilt your head.)

At the store, one of the first things we saw was racks and racks of women’s swim suits. Then there were racks of sun dresses and sleeveless tops. Holy cow people, it is still the beginning of February! I hoped that maybe there would be some winter stuff on clearance, but most of the winter stuff was gone. We checked the kids shoe department and found 3 pairs of toddler boots on clearance, all a size 7 which was just too big for Allia. The whole back wall of the shoe department was lined with flip flops and sandals. I was so frustrated. All the tights were sold out as well, of course.

Later, it hit me that if I wanted to get Allia a cute swim suit I better do it now before they are all picked over. Last year we bought what was left, no doubt because we waited for summer to do our shopping.

This afternoon, Allia and I worked on potty training some more. She finally tried out the big potty which made me happy. Did she “go” in it? Noooo. But, she did enjoy sitting there for about a ½ hour or so. Later, when Daddy came home we had him cut the “boy-guard” off the front of her seat converter. It is much nicer now.

Zoe had a school dance tonight. Here she is looking glamorous with one of her tall friends.

I made an awesome vegetable stew. Don’t laugh; this stuff is full of goodness, fresh carrots, potatoes and cabbage……healthy and inexpensive. Part way through the process I separated out my portion and then made the rest hotter for James. This is what a week’s worth of dinner looks like at our house.

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