Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Today's after work project was to replace the bathroom vanity, counter and faucet in Zoe's bathroom at her Dad's house. I enlisted the help of my friend Jason Swartz (Cherie at work's husband) since I obviously could not do this by myself. Her old sink had a hole in it and was leaking. It was original from when they built the house, so it was at least 30 years old. I purchased the new units at Lowe's and I was absolutely thrilled with the customer service I received from them.

Here are the old units tossed out in the front yard.

This is how her bathroom looked with NO vanity at all.

New unit installed. Zoe picked the faucet out herself.

New unit complete with handles and tooth brushes.

A huge "THANKS" to Jason who did this whole project with out any complaining and made it look easy.

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