Sunday, July 19, 2009

This weekend, we went on a little family camping trip to Council Bluff and Elephant Rocks State Park.

Alli enjoyed playing in the tent.

She can climb up on the table all by herself.......getting down is not as easy.
She threw a stick on the fire so I could snap a photo.......but mostly she didn't care about the fire.

I asked her to sit in the chair for this picture......but, when the blanket is handy it is soooo tempting to lie down.
Mommy forgot to bring Alli a jacket and it got chilly this weekend......bad Mommy. (Hey, it's July!)
I think Daddy was channeling Clint Eastwood.
Alli was so mad that we went to bed with out Daddy! Saturday, Alli did not want to touch the sand!

"Keep me away from the evil sand."
Sunday, she decided that sand wasn't so bad after all.
Daddy had just biked 13+ miles all the way around the lake.
Alli put on his helmet all by herself.


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