Thursday, June 18, 2009

Today Alli spent the day with Mommy at work. She looked so cute in her piggy tails yesterday, that I put some in again today. Here are some pictures of her coloring with her markers. Not too long after I snapped this shot, she tried to eat the black marker, thus ruining it, so I threw it away. Don’t worry; they are non-toxic, kid safe, washable markers. She also tried to write on the wall…….so I had to put the markers up. This made her pretty mad.
Alli was crabby and tired a lot today. I don’t think she was fully recovered from all the excitement yesterday. She probably needed two naps, but she really hates to lie down for a second nap late in the afternoon. She did doze off on the drive home, which was nice for both of us. But, I couldn't let her sleep in the car for long because it was 95 degrees outside. She woke up a bit crabby when I hauled her into the house and then proceeded to spend the rest of the evening being somewhat put out that my friend Jessica was over for a visit. I guess I don’t have company very often and Alli was not sure she liked sharing me with the new person.

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