Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Today Alli spent the day will Lisa, Henry and Elliot. When Daddy dropped her off she did not fuss; she marched right in and started playing. I think she was glad to see the boys and get a day to play with her friends (and a break from Mommy and Daddy). Lisa took them to the pool, but Alli was not real excited about it. She hung back and played it cautious. I would rather have her be a careful kid than be the type that charges in and thinks it over afterwards. After swimming, Lisa managed to get Alli to let her put her hair up in pig tails. Then, bonus, she took this great picture. Alli played hard and was totally pooped when I went to pick her up. Speaking of poop…….Lisa was kind enough to give us a hand-me-down potty chair. Thanks for everything Lisa.

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