Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Doggy Update

As many of you know, my sweet little pound puppy, Yamina has been having some medical concerns. Basically, she was leaking urine while she was sleeping. We found this out the hard way by discovering a wet carpet where she had slept the night before. Now, I know dogs and they don’t like to be near their own potty, so I knew she did not do it on purpose. Besides, Yamina has always been the stubborn type and I have seen her hold “it” for days. So I took her to the vet and they tested her for a urinary tract infection.....Negative. Then they did a full blood panel and all looked fine. Finally they decided that she has urinary incontinence due to decreased estrogen because she is spayed. She is not quite 5 years old yet, but evidently it is not that unusual for a female dog to have this problem at this young of an age. Luckily, treatment is simple and inexpensive; a pill to get her hormone levels back up. I have been giving her the pills for over a week now and it seems to be working fine. The maintenance dose is one or two pills per week and they cost about 70 cents per pill, so for $1.50 each week everything is just fine and I am thrilled. Yamina is pretty thrilled too since I hide her pill in a hunk of cheese so she will eat it.

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