Sunday, June 21, 2009

What is she up to (into) lately?
Her Elmo toddler couch..........Alli recently picked this out at the store. She finally out grew her pumpkin seat so I thought she would like a chair of her own. She opted for this little couch that folds out to a bed. She sits and plays in it all the time.

Sissy.............Alli sure loves her sister.

V8...........She may not eat vegetables, but she can sure suck down a lot of the vegetable juice.
She likes it best with a straw.

Puzzles..........Alli likes puzzles and putting things where they belong. She is now very good at sorting shapes and likes to do them really fast. She can also sort her sorting bears by color now.

Shoes..............Alli often gets her shoes out and plays with them. Lately she has been trying on other people’s shoes too. She may like to run around without clothes, but often, she wants her shoes on.

Belbo.............Alli is still into her Elmo DVDs. She really likes the Word World ones too. She can now climb up onto the couch by herself and watch TV.

Climbing........... Alli has been climbing a lot lately. I left the room for less than a minute and she got up on the bathroom counter.

Here she climbed up on the kitchen table. I walked in right after she climbed up and she said to me “down”. She knew I was not OK with her climbing up there.

Outside........Alli loves to go outside and play. She has a swing in the garage that she swings in every day. She spent a lot of time this weekend enjoying her pool and her daddy.

Daddy……….He is defiantly her favorite thing in the world.
Happy Father’s Day James!!

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