Saturday, June 13, 2009

This morning, I got up early and did a run all by myself. My running partner, Terry, was out of town doing a half marathon. Turns out he ran a PR! I also had a really good run; I did not have a Garmin and ran a new route, so I was not sure how far I had run, but I estimated I did about 6, or a little more, miles. When I later got to a computer and did check my distance, turns out I did a solid 8 miles!

After the run, I grabbed some food at our new McDonald’s. I just can’t get over how fast the service is. I bet it took less than one minute to order, pay and get my food.

Back home we munched a quick breakfast and jumped back in the car to do 8:30 BodyPump class at the gym. Alli did NOT cry when I left her in the gym day care. She is getting to be such a big girl.

After class we went home and got Zoe and ran errands and did the weekly grocery shopping and picked up a DVD for Saturday evening.

Lately, Alli has been enjoying running around in nothing but a diaper. Here she is with Sissy's shoes on.

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