Friday, June 12, 2009

Today was quiet at work……..lots of people on vacation. Alli played with her new markers. She was experimenting with coloring with both hands at the same time.

Later we all sat out on the patio and grilled burgers for lunch.
Alli then used her chalk to draw some more.

John has planted an impressive garden this year. We are looking forward to eating his fresh, home grown tomatoes.

Alli is now fully acclimated to not having a bottle …..however, she refuses to drink milk from a cup. I even tried giving her chocolate milk and she just hates it. She is now drinking water and juice and that is about it.
(We must be saving $$ on diapers as she has a lot less wet ones!)
Oh, and she still loves her V8 with a straw. Now that she no longer drinks milk, her appetite for solid food has increased and she is eating a lot more. Sadly, I still can’t get her to eat vegetables though. I have talked to a few other mothers about all these eating habits and they have all had similar problems, so I guess Alli is a pretty typical toddler. I am sure in the long run we will teach her good eating habits.

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