Sunday, June 14, 2009

This morning, I got up and started my cooking. Then I watched my CBS Sunday morning program. After I took Zoe home, James watched Alli and I hopped on the road bike and did a 27 mile loop from my house. It felt great to be on the bike.

When I got back from my ride, Alli was napping so I cleaned the garage and James did about 3 hours of yard work. He mowed around the lagoon and up in the clearing. It was hot and humid and the bugs/ticks were really bad and it was no fun at all. After he was done and showered, we had a nice dinner and watched the US sports channel for a while. (We get more channels now that the digital switch has been completed.) They were showing a track and field competition. We were blown away by the high jumping women.

Alli is now nodding her head YES and NO when you ask her a question. Every time I ask her if it is time to change her diaper, she nods NO. She can say a lot of words now, but usually grunts and whines a lot as her primary means of communication. She seems to be more even tempered, nap better and all around happier now that she is not drinking her bottle all the time!

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