Friday, June 05, 2009

Gone but not forgotten!
In the last week or so, one after another of Alli’s bottle nipples have been breaking. She bites them and they are almost 2 years old and they had just finally reached the end of their useful lives. So as they broke, I pitched them in the trash thinking “when we run out, that is it, no more bottles.”
Today was the day that we left the house to go to work without a bottle in hand!
As most of you already know, Alli loves her bottle, especially in the car. She sucks on it for comfort and it sooths her mood when she is cranky. So, leaving one of her most beloved things behind was not easy for either of us.

Of course, she complained in the car, but it is only a 15-20 minute drive and I was fresh, so it was not so bad. Once we were at work, I had hoped she would watch “Belbo” and forget her woes…….but no. Once in my office, she wallowed on the floor with her blanket and sobbed and sobbed hoping to get her sweet, sweet bottle back. Gail, hearing all this from down the hall came to my door and generously volunteered to go to the store and purchase her a bottle. I explained that is was time for her to give it up and we would all have to suffer through this long day. (I knew the weekend was coming so I would not be torturing my co-workers but this one day and I figure by next Tuesday Alli should be mostly adjusted.) Gail understood and got some ear plugs!! (just kidding).

After at least 30 minutes of floor wallowing, she finally got up and sat in her chair and watched her favorite DVD. She drank from her sippy cup a little. She seems to prefer water from her cup. I think her message is “milk is evil from any other source than the beloved bottle”. Or maybe she was saying “I’ll get my revenge on you mom…..I’ll never drink milk again!”

As the day wore on, she seemed to feel better about the whole deal. Much to my surprise, she took her nap without a fuss. She usually drinks her bottle as she dozes off to sleep. Today I placed her in the pack and play in the conference room and she did not make a peep for the next two hours.
She also ate better today, which seems logical, but you never know with a toddler.
Over all, I would say that day 1 without a bottle was a great success and hopefully, she will only do better this weekend.

She likes bananas again.

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