Sunday, May 31, 2009

This morning, James and Charlie loaded the 2 man race canoe, complete with new decking, onto the Highlander and headed to the nearest dirty old creek to paddle for a few hours.
I took Alli for a jog on the MKT. We only ran 4 miles, but I was sick all week and had not worked out at all and I was doped up on cold medicine so I felt pretty good about my flat 4 mile effort. Thankfully, Alli did not mind the jog stroller. Last time Daddy took her to a morning run, she made a scene and cried a lot, which was stressful and unpleasant. I sure hope she likes the stroller again; family bike rides are my favorite.

I spent the balance of the day doing chores and cooking and hanging with my girls. It was a nice relaxing day.

In fact, we got bored and went to Toys R us and purchased a new toy for Alli. ( I should have picked this one up a few months ago, she is almost too old for it, but she still really likes it.)

Daddy and Alli had some rough fun……..Alli absolutely loved it.

She was jumping up and down on him.

Daddy later confessed it did hurt a little.

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