Monday, January 28, 2013

My Arm Can't Make It!

She woke up Saturday morning and was moody and complaining that her head hurt. After much opposition she finally agreed to take some pain reliever and felt much better.

Before lunch, we went to Target to select a gift for Sarah who was having her birthday party at Flips at 4pm. Alli was so excited to select a very pretty and fancy Barbie doll for her friend. It was the perfect gift in her opinion. We spent a lot of time browsing the many choices in the store’s Barbie isle. She finally chose that special one that I felt was within our price range. (Did you know they have some ridiculously pricy Barbie dolls!?!)

We also selected some nice wrapping paper and did NOT buy a card because Alli wanted to make one.

I must say it sure is nice that Alli is old enough to understand that giving a gift is fun and we don’t need to buy her something just because we are shopping at the toy store.

Back home we had lunch and decided to nap before wrapping the gift.

When she awoke from her nap she was certainly not feeling better, in fact she was worse. AND she was even more insistent that she did not like medicine and would not be taking any. I felt her head and it was warm and she was complaining that her arm hurt. I was starting to think we were not going to make the party.

Around 3 it was time to get ready to go. I asked Alli if she wanted to work on that birthday card and she said emphatically no. I then asked if she wanted to help me wrap the gift. She replied yes, but was too tired to actually get up. She whined and complained and wallowed in bed still fussing that her arm hurt.

At this point I told her “Honey, I think you are too sick and not up to this party!” To which she replied without missing a beat “Oh I am up for this party, just my arm isn’t!”

I chuckled at her response but had to tell her we weren’t going and so she had a mini break down. I decided to sooth her pain by offering her the gift as a cancellation prize for missing the party. This made her very happy for about a half hour. Then, the reality that she was missing the party hit her again and she cried some more and begged to go. I told her it was too late and comforted her as best I could.

She spent the rest of the weekend lying in bed, dozing off and on, whining and wanting to lie on her mommy. I did my best to get medicine in her because it did help…. all the while she did her best to avoid it.

Poor baby was sooo sick.
It was a long weekend but she bounced out of bed Monday morning, acted fine and begged to go to school. By noon they called me to come pick her up….she had a fever and was worn back down. I apologized to her teacher for not having kept her home. The teacher said it was no big deal that almost half the class was out sick!

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