Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Alli is 5 year old!

Before school, Daddy and I each gave her a gift and wished her a Happy Birthday to start her day off special.

After school I rushed Allia to ballet / tap lessons like normal. While she was in class I sat and chatted with Kalli’s mom Julie and had the best time. She is the librarian at the catholic school; super nice and friendly…so much fun.

After class Beanie and I headed to Yogoluv, a local ice cream shop, for a birthday treat. Daddy was supposed to meet us there but we arrived early so we made good use of our spare time by calling Grandma and Grandpa so they could say Happy Birthday.

After Daddy showed up, Beanie selected lemon soft serve and then topped it with white chocolate chips and strawberries. It was quite tasty; my selection was not as good.

After ice cream Beanie wanted to walk around downtown. After a few blocks she complained we were walking too straight. So when we saw the alley that had been rehabbed we turned down that way. I really wish I had taken my phone or camera so I would have some photos because they cleaned up the alley and put patios on the back of restaurants and even some new store fronts in. It looks so nice, a little secret paradise. I kept expecting to smell or see a dumpster but no, the place was very clean and pleasant.

By the time we got down the alley, Bean had decided that she was hungry and wanted dinner. We said OK, let’s head home and eat. Oh NO, that was not her plan she wanted to eat out. Daddy and I had not mentally or financially prepared for this idea so we tried to talk her out of it. Daddy offered her Chinese carry out and she said NO she wanted to sit in the restaurant and eat. We asked her what she was in the mood for because we really didn’t know where to head. She quickly replied “shrimp”. We giggled, that is not an easy order to fill. We offered to buy her some at the grocery store and she declined, she was bent on eating IN the restaurant. Finally Daddy said lets go to the Greek place down the street and that seemed to please her.

She tried the cucumber sauce (Tzatziki) on a pita and also had some of the Tyropita after deciding it looked good in the display case. She was not interested in our stuffed green pepper at all. As we finished our meals it was obvious she was getting tired so we reminded her there were more gifts at home and she was happy to head that way.

Back home she opened the last of her gifts and then relaxed on the couch with her favorite movie that I bought her for her birthday. She was a very happy, very tired, birthday girl.

Shirt is a gift from Aunt Lauren.

Happy to finally own her favorite movie.

My Neighbor Totoro.

Camera from Grandma and Grandpa....they mailed it so it would arrive on her birthday.

1 comment:

Tara said...

It sounds like she had a fantastic birthday, WOW, 5 years old, they grow so fast!!!