Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Judi's Birthday

For my birthday I took the day off work. Having the whole day to do anything I wanted sounded like a great plan. Not to mention that if I skipped work, they could not make a fuss nor buy me a cake. I don’t NEED cake!
Flowers from James and Alli.

To start my day off right, I took my sweet time getting Alli ready for school. No rush…. no place to be by 8. That felt good; I am a happier, more patient mommy when I am not in a hurry.

After I dropped Alli off I stopped by my friends office and chatted with her for a while….since I had no place to be.

Next I saddled up for a bike ride. Just me, myself and I headed out to wherever my mood would take me…. since I had no place to be. First, I took my time cycling around the Old South West area looking at the historic old homes. It was such a pretty morning so I just wandered around enjoying the scenery. Then I stopped by campus to say good morning to the hubby. After chatting with him a bit I biked out East of town to an area with lots of new development including a new golf course to see the new house my friend Julia and her fiancé are building. I should have gone in for a look around, but since the workmen where there I decided to not get in the way.

Julia's new house under construction.

Next I biked north of town to see the new public high school that is being built. This is the photo I took of Battle High. It’s HUGE.
Battle High, taken with my phone camera.

This is a much cooler photo that an engineering friend of mine sent me. He has an inside connection.

After begging a mean convenience store clerk for some ice I decided 27 miles was enough and headed home to spend the rest of the day goofing off and doing whatever I wanted…..since I had no place I had to be.

After work James was a sweetie and brought me home some of my favorite treats and we had a very nice family evening together celebrating my birthday.   (My gift from James and Alli is my new Galaxy S3 cell phone that I actually received a few weeks ago.)

Last weekend Grandma and Grandpa came to visit and to celebrate my birthday. Alli helped to decorate the cake; she was so proud.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Happy Belated Birthday to you! Any day that you can ride your bike instead of working is a great day in my book.

Is that red velvet cake? That's my absolute favorite. Now I must go raid the cabinets of icing.......