Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sick Bean

Last night after work I went to the gym and after my class, I came to collect my girl from the kids club and she was obviously not feeling so great.

In the car on the way home she was looking groggy so I knew for sure she was sick.

As soon as we got home she said she didn’t feel good and just wanted to lie on the couch with her blanky and watch her Barbie movie. I asked her if she felt like throwing up and she assured me she did not.

I put in her movie and got her the blanket and just as I handed it to her she threw up on the couch, her blanket, the carpet and her new blue princess dress. I quickly picked her up and raced to the bathroom leaving a trail of nastiness all along the way. In the bathroom we cleaned up the sobbing girl and then mommy set about cleaning up the vomit.

It was bad….it was everywhere….I wanted to cry too.

Daddy came home about then and helped soothe the girl while I finish my carpet scrubbing. It wasn’t long before the girl was fast asleep on the couch so we quietly put her to bed. Meanwhile, the dog was adding her efforts to the carpet cleaning project.

Around 10:00 the sick girl was crying and we went to check on her. She was so hot she was pink and she had wet the bed so we had to wake her, change her bed and clothes and coax her to take some Tylenol. She went right back to sleep and I checked her a few times during the night and her fever was much better.

This morning she was up at 5 and seemed better, but it wasn’t long before she was in my bed and dozing off to PBS cartoons.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Awww, poor baby, I hope she's feeling better today. Throwing up is NO fun.