Monday, September 05, 2011

Heart of America Marathon

Today Terry and Stina (and many of my running friends) ran the Heart of America Marathon. This marathon is considered one of the more difficult ones thanks to a few whopping big hills. But it is also known for being well organized, friendly and having some beautiful scenery as it runs on the Katy trail down by the river.

This year the race took place under almost ideal weather conditions with the high only reaching about 70 degrees under clear skies. 212 runners finished the race.

I ran the last 5.5 miles with Stina in an effort to keep her motivated and distract her from the pain. I guess it worked, because after we rounded the corner onto Broadway and the finish was in site, she was on fire running at a sub 8 minute pace.

It was such a beautiful day and such a fun race, that I am actually entertaining the thought of doing it next year!

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