Sunday, August 07, 2011

Just an Ordinary Weekend

Friday night we did the grocery shopping like we usually do. Allia wanted to buy some vanilla ice cream so we did.

Saturday morning I went biking with the Crack of Dawn group. We rode the big tree loop for a total of 25 miles. Next I rushed to the gym and did my BodyPump (one hour weight lifting) class.

At lunch time, Allia and I finished off the ice cream! Yea it didn’t even last 24 hours. This is why we can’t be trusted with junk food in the house.

Saturday evening James went to see Harry Potter. I am not a fan. I stayed home and read my new Runner’s World magazine; the whole thing.

Of course there was cooking and cleaning and chores to be done as well. Ended up washing Allia’s sheets……..oops I didn’t get up and help her go potty in middle of the night.

Sunday morning I did my long run, 12 miles. I was happy to see that I maintained my 9 minute/mile pace for the whole run. Towards the end I was getting soggy legs, but I also forgot my gel so I ran almost 2 hours with no nutrition. Overall the run made my day. I am training for a half marathon and I am really excited to be hitting my goals.

Sunday afternoon we filled the puddle pool on the deck and all three of us climbed in.

It was a good weekend.

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