Friday, August 05, 2011

Favorite Night Gum

Allia has gone all week long without wearing a diaper to bed.
She has had ZERO accidents.
We are all so proud of her and glad to finally be done with diapers.
She was actually a bit indignant with us on Monday evening when we proposed the idea of no diaper all night and acted concerned that she may not be dry come morning. Just in case, I moved all her stuffed toys out of her bed. She insisted she is a big girl and would do just fine.
She was right!


CaraBee said...

Yay!!! We've been diaper free for a couple months now and other than a couple nights, have been accident free. I didn't realize just how wonderful it would be to not have to change diapers anymore.

AND, I finally bought myself those espadrilles. :)

Thank you for your email! I can't tell you how much that meant. Truly.

Danielle said...

that is so fantastic(: she's the cutest thing! we had that problem with my niece, but now she's been diaper free for about a month! follow me? im danielle.