Sunday, July 10, 2011


Sunday morning started with a long run which was already miserably hot and sticky at 7 am. The forecasted high for the day was to be over 100 degrees. I vowed to spend the rest of the day inside.

Back home James slapped a new coat of pant on the Barbie house.

After naps, Zoe called and wanted to go to the mall to get her ears pierced. I was feeling sympathetic (in a way) since she wrecked and totaled her car last Monday. The accident was not really that bad, the car was just really worth that little!

So, I agreed to take her to Clair’s for her first piercing that she would actually remember…..last time she got her ears pierced she was just a few months old.

Beanie, new purchase in hand, leaving the mall after carefully selecting a new hair bow from Clair’s.

We also found this hot number today….it’s a bright pink Barbie refrigerator that came with an assortment of play food as well.

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