Sunday, June 19, 2011

Packing it all in there

This morning my alarm went off at five. I made a pot of coffee and prepared to run. It looked rainy out but I was not concerned, I was going anyway.

At 6 on the dot I pulled up in front of Stina’s house. We briefly discussed strategy/ course and headed out for a 9 mile run with Chapel Hill near the end. The rain held off and we had a great time.

After the run we were out front talking and her husband stuck his head out the door and snapped this photo.

Next I raced home, ate something and put on my cycling clothes… to meet a group for a Big Tree loop. It was still cool and overcast and I was really looking forward to SITTING on my bike. Yea, my legs were tired. While out on the bike the sun came out and it turned out to be a beautiful morning. Luckily we never had much wind.

23 hilly miles later I was loading my bike back on the car and racing home to shower and then go pick up my Bean. I arrived in Concordia (the rendezvous location) about 5 minutes late. I now know it takes over an hour to get there. We met at the McDonalds and I was sure glad to see my little girl. She was wearing a Rapunzel dress and looked adorable.

Grandma and Grandpa had obviously taken good care of her all weekend.

Once back home, after we unpacked, we cuddled, watched a movie and rested for a bit.

Next up was a trip to see Julia’s new house. She recently moved in with her fiancĂ© Don and his daughter Taylor. Taylor is 5 and had the best time showing Allia her room and all her toys. They ran all over that big house so many times I bet they put in a few miles in total.

The house is really great. Perfect floor plan and Don put all new hard wood and tile floors in. When I was there he was tiling the back splash. This guy is a hard worker!! Everything has a fresh coat of paint and I just love the colors they chose. The property backs to a lake so next time we go over we will have to go out in the boat.

It was sure nice to see Julia and her new place. Lately she is so busy we don’t get to hang out much.

Alli and I were home and in bed by the 9 p.m. news. It was a perfect end to a super weekend.

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