Sunday, March 06, 2011

Running Notes

Christina after her last marathon

My running partner Christina is training for a marathon. That means that every weekend she does a shorter run on Saturday (5-7 miles) and a longer run on Sunday (10-20). Most every weekend I join her on Saturday and then do part of her Sunday run since I am not training for anything in particular at this point.

So last Wednesday she told me she was planning to run 8 for Thursday morning and then 7 on Saturday and 15 on Sunday. I told her I would do it ALL with her. She figured I was crazy and I figured I could bail if I changed my mind, but Thursday morning I stuck with her and we did our 8 miles. (Usually on weekdays I only get in 5-6 because of time constraints)

Saturday we ran the 7 and then Sunday I felt pretty good and the sun was out so, what the hell, I ran the 15 with her. We ran at a 10 minute per mile pace which is not super fast, but it’s not embarrassing either. At the end of the run my feet hurt but not as bad as I would have expected. My legs were a little sore and super tired but considering it was the longest run OF MY LIFE I was pretty happy how it went.

If you are wondering where Terry went, he has been sidelined by injury but he will be back soon. Christina has been a great new partner to run with. She is super diligent about getting all her scheduled mileage done and she has certainly motivated me to run farther than I would have otherwise.

AND, she is a lot of fun!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Sweet. Ok, git yur bootie on the next 20 miler and do the marathon with her, you can do it!