Sunday, October 03, 2010


The birthday girl started her REAL birthday With some breakfast birthday berries.

Then, she opened the last of the presents. Grandpa manned the scissors because Grandma beautifully wraps things so they will survive a nuclear attack.

Then, for the BIG event, we went to the Pumpkin Farm.

At home, we drive by Stephen’s Stables every day and Allia just loves to stop and look at the horses. So, today, for the first time, she got to ride a pony! She loved it but you would never guess by looking at her face. Our girl is not a big risk taker so new endeavors are always approached with a large dose of caution.

There were plenty of activities to keep her busy and we had the best time. The weather was ideal. It was the perfect, sunny and crisp, fall day.

Allia sat so still while the nice lady quickly painting a fairy princess on her face.

She HAD to get a better look at herself so we took her to the restroom mirror.

Soon we were all tired and hungry so we went home for lunch and naps.

After naps we went to the park to feed the Elk carrots.

Daddy Elk was a bit upset that we were messing with his girls.

We also fed some Bison and some fish before calling it a day and heading home for dinner.

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