Saturday, October 02, 2010

Let's Get the Party Started!!

All morning long, while I was packing and getting my chores around the house completed, Bean was nagging me “I am ready to go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house” she kept repeating. She had selected the perfect party outfit and was all amped up to hit the road.
So, at nap time, we piled in the car and drove to Lee’s Summit.

We were so happy to see Grandma and Grandpa, but the minute she saw the cake she could not wait another minute to have a piece (of icing). So rather than have a cake with lots of finger prints on it, we lit the candles, sung the song, and gave her a slice.

Next, as long as we were in full birthday party mode, she opened some presents. She got a Hello Kitty purse, necklace and some fuzzy pink fairy princess slippers. They all coordinated so well with her outfit that if I did not known better, I would have suspected Grandma called and told her to wear pink.

Later, the super cute little boy next door, Arian came over to play and Mommy and Daddy snuck off to Landahl to do some mountain biking.

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