Saturday, September 04, 2010

Run, Bike, Eat

This morning I was up before daylight to meet Terry for a long run. The route is one of our old favorites that we could not run all summer long because of bridge replacement construction on the MKT trail. We start at the (original) Hy-Vee and run south on Fairview to Twin Lakes, then West on the trail to Scott Blvd. At Scott, we braved the construction until we could get back into the neighborhood and run up Grant to Cunningham to Bray, then back to Fairview and the Hy-Vee. Total distance per my Garmin is 8.25 miles, but it always feels shorter than that. Average pace was 9:32. And most interesting, it says that we had a net gain in altitude of 80 feet……not sure how that works when you come back to where you started from? I did this run in my old running shoes and found that my feet felt better after 8.4 miles than they do after only 4 miles in the new shoes. Which means……..congratulations Ma; you are now the proud owner of a free pair of really nice running shoes!

Next I darted into Hy-Vee to pick up a few essential things that James could not get last night when he did the Wal-Mart shopping. (They are ALWAYS out of cottage cheese by the end of the day.) I made sure to get Zoe’s precious V8 Splash tropical colada smoothie juice that she has been craving for weeks that her Gerbes no longer carries.

I took my groceries home, regrouped and grabbed my Bean and headed to the gym for my 8:30 am BodyPump class. It was great to see my old friend Christine who was there. We have been out of touch for a few years but have known each other for about 10 years now. We met at the gym back when we had little ones we stowed at the gym day care at the same time. Her boy is now 13 and mine are 15 and 17!! Time really does get away from you.

After getting all pumped up it was time to relax so I spend the next hour or so relaxing with Julia on her wonderful front porch. Beanie finally reminded me that I had promised her a new pair of shoes so we headed up to Target to do some shopping. Over the summer her feet really experienced a growth spurt so now that the weather has cooled she really needs some warmer shoes that fit. Of course, the ones we loved were out of her size, but thinking fast, I snapped a photo with my new “smart” phone and sent it to Grandma Arden who dutifully went to her local Target and got us the right size. It sure is handy to have family members in both KC and STL.

Next we went to Triathletics so I could sign up for Rock Bridge Revenge a 7 mile trail race. For all my racing buddies YES, I have finally signed up for a race!! Now, I need to find some time to practice trail running before October 10th. I have no hopes of winning anything, just wanting to hang out with some old friends who should be there.

Around noon we went home for lunch and nap time. Around 3 pm, James showed up and proclaimed that the last 20 miles of his ride really hurt; the first 100 were not so bad. Yes kids, he biked 120 miles today!! He was rather wiped out the rest of the day (he may be human after all).

Later, Zoe and her friend Carly came over. Carly is one of Zoe’s best friends who ended up at Rockbridge this year instead of Hickman with Zoe. They sure miss each other and spent all night long catching up and comparing notes on what their high school is like. Meanwhile James grilled some meats and I was totally thrilled when the girls ate and loved the rare deer filets. James cooks them just right. Allia chomped up some elk sausage (she is such a meat eater). And of course, the girls drank all the tropical colada juice.

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