Friday, March 26, 2010

At some point this evening, I stepped back and chuckled at life. James, Allia and I were all hanging out in the kitchen for the second night in a row. Tonight, James and I were sitting at the table and Allia was sitting on her potty. We were chatting, reading books and waiting. Allia was on a mission to use her potty and Daddy and I were there for support and to shriek with joy should she be successful.

Last night, she said she could do it and we waited and waited and finally, when no one was really paying attention, Allia got a serious look on her face and then proclaimed “yeaaa….I did it”! She jumped up, turned around and pointed at her chair and said it again “I did it….YEA!” Sure enough, after sitting for more than an hour, she finally did some pee-pee in her potty! After the cheering and high fives, Daddy gave her the prize, a brand new sucker.

Tonight, much like last night, she finally accomplished her goal and exclaimed with joy “yeaaa….I did it!”

So, for two nights in a row this is pretty much all that got accomplished and I don't mind a bit.

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