Sunday, March 28, 2010

The weekend was great except for one small thing; Allia wanted NOTHING to do with her potty all weekend. I didn’t push the issue…..she will come to it in her own time. I want to keep it all very positive.

We started Saturday out by running errands and borrowing a pickup truck from work. Then, Allia and I went to the gym; while Daddy started doing all his projects that required an old truck. After the gym Allia and I braved the crowds and did the weekly Wal-Mart grocery run. While we were there, we helped a nice Asian man that barely spoke English pick out some laundry soap. Later, in the check out, we saw him again and he was checking out with boxes and boxes of green bananas. I sure would love to know what those were for???

After picking up sissy, we went home and found indoor projects to do because it was threatening to rain at any minute. James was still outside making the most of his truck time. Zoe and Allia watched the Bee Movie…….again. I did some cooking and chores and before you knew it, the afternoon whizzed by and the rain finally showed up. We spend the evening watching two episodes of Mad Men season 2. Seems like they are smoking and drinking less……..either that, or I am just getting used to it.

Sunday, I woke up for my morning run, checked the radar and it looked like all the rain had passed. I got dressed and drove to the coffee shop to meet Terry. On the way there, it was still raining steady so my radar was a big fat liar. Terry and I discussed and decided we were not real keen on the idea of getting soaking wet in 40 degree weather with a rather brisk breeze blowing. We bagged the run and rescheduled for Monday morning.

By the time I got back home, the rain was slowing and soon ended. Probably should have just ran, but that’s how it goes. Today James worked on his new garden area and building a compost area out back. Allia went outside to help him while I finished up the laundry, etc. There were piles of mulch out there and plenty of dirt. Allia tends to call anything dirty “ewww”. Not so much because she thinks it is icky, but mostly because Mommy always wipes it off her. She had a great time outside playing in the dirt and when it was time to come inside, Daddy reported that Allia made it a point to wave and say “bye-bye ewww”. (Use your very best cute little girl voice)

After nap time, Lauren showed up and took Allia to the park and Mommy and Daddy had a date! I dug out my bike shoes (they had not seen daylight in almost a year) and helmet and we rode from the house towards town. We made our way over Sorrels overpass and then snaked up through the neighborhoods of West Columbia. My legs were unfamiliar with this whole biking thing and it was a bit windy, so it was rather painful. However, I was still thrilled to be on wheels. James pushed me up a few hills which was super sweet of him. (Yea, I know, it was a date!) We circled south of town and then headed back to Flat Branch Brewery for dinner and a beer. We split a pub burger and fries and it was delicious. I had the Brown Ale… new all time favorite beer IN THE WORLD. Then just as it was starting to get dark, we jumped back on the bikes and made a bee line for the house. (total of 30 miles)

We arrived to find Allia and Lauren were still having a great time. Lauren reported that Allia followed a 4 year old boy all over the playground and tried to do everything he did. She also ate some green beans for dinner which makes me happy since she is still rather iffy on vegetables in general.

It was a very nice date and I can’t wait to ride my bike again or go out with my husband on another date……..or both.

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