Sunday, March 07, 2010

This morning, I took Allia to Wal-Mart with me and we had the best time. She was in such a good mood, so we looked at spring clothes, cruised through the toy department and basically took our time browsing around. When she saw the stuffed toys by the toddler girls clothing, she really took a shine to the little blue Eeyore; you know, Winnie the Pooh’s dismal donkey friend. It was so cute and she was being so good that I went ahead and bought it for her.

At the checkout, she spotted the mints and asked if she could have some. She indicated that she wanted the orange Tic-Tacs. I figured she could eat a few in the car on the way home so she was happy to let the check out lady do her thing and then get her mints.

In the car I opened the Tic-Tacs and dumped a few in her cup holder. I sat the rest in the cup holder in the arm rest. She stuffed a few in her mouth and was very content. A few minutes later I heard the clicking sound of more Tic-Tacs being dumped out. I cautioned her not to dump them all out and she stopped pouring right away.
.....Having a great day here folks!
Back at the house, when I took her out of the car, she had an orange gooey beard.

Later in the day, we took Sissy to Target to do some shopping. Allia was such a good girl, again, and Zoe made out like a bandit. Back at the house, I plucked Allia from the back seat and she had her familiar orange beard………she handed me her empty Tic-Tac container and smiled.
(No wonder she was so good in the car.)

I showed Daddy the carnage and he told me to always give her one at a time or she will eat them 10 at a time. You got that right.

Allia was not the model child all day though. Here, I wanted to take her picture riding her trike and she would have none of it.

Here she is....ready for bed and looking cute.

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