Saturday, March 06, 2010

This morning I got up and met Terry and Karla for a 6 mile run. We ended up doing 7 miles due to my poor route planning which was fine by everyone. After the run, we sat in the coffee shop for a while and chatted which was very enjoyable.

Next I went home and realized I had no motivation to do a thing, which is not like me. Allia was crabby no matter what we did or didn’t do. I think we were all still a bit sick and run down. Last week James had the flu and although I never threw up, I was pretty “blah” the latter half of the week.

So Saturday was a wash……..a day of rest & recovery and surviving a crabby toddler. thing got accomplished, James painted the chicken coop to match the house. It looks pretty spiffy. His big excitement for the day was when Allia had a melt down at Lowe's while he was waiting to order his paint.


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