Saturday, March 20, 2010

So yesterday, on my lunch break, I went out for a 5.2 mile jog. I tried a new route near work that I was really pleased with, mainly because it has two, long, moderate hills that are so good for me... meaning hard but not impossible. Also, it is not on the muddy trail, but on paved, lightly traveled roads. In spring, mud is always a problem.

It was a beautiful spring day, the sun was shining and I was running in a tank top and shorts. About the last mile I decided I was so warm that I stripped the tank top and was very comfortable running in just my sports bra and shorts.

This morning, we awoke to snow, sleet and freezing rain. It is hovering around freezing and VERY unpleasant. You gotta love Missouri weather!

Allia found a tissue paper flower that she had made at school in the desk drawer in the kitchen. She promptly turned around and stuffed it into the end of James’ (unloaded) shot gun that he had left lying on the table. It tickled me so.

Just in time for spring, Allia finally fits in her VERY warm, winter blanket sleepers that I bought for her early last fall. She did not grow as fast as I thought she would this winter!! Also, she prefers the feet to be cut out thus making these types of pajamas completely unnecessary.

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