Sunday, March 21, 2010

Today’s project was potty training. And I am thrilled to report that we finally had some success. Her father promised her a sucker if she would put some pee-pee in the potty and when we weren’t really paying attention, she jumped up and said she had done it. And, sure enough, she had. We praised her, hugged her, high fived, and even jumped for joy. When the cheering died down, Allia looked at us and asked “sucker?” Well, Daddy had promised her a sucker but we had none in the house. I explained we would have to go to the store and get one and she understood and got ready to leave. The minute we got to Target she started nagging for her sucker.

The “taste” of sweet success!!

Mommy was so disgusted with the weather that she broke out the new spring play dress and turned up the heat in the house.

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