Sunday, February 07, 2010

Yes Cara, you did get more snow than we did….about 20 inches more! We had about 4 inches total. But they are promising another 5 tomorrow.

Months ago, I bought Allia this Elmo hat. I thought it would keep her toasty warm and she would love it, of course, because it is Elmo. Well, she hated it and refused to wear it, until today. I was so thrilled when she came out of her room ready to go outside with Dada and she was smiling a mile wide because she had on her Elmo hat. Also note how cute she was to bring her lime green purse along on the outing.

I decided to try Allia’s swim suit on her and make sure it still fit before I got too excited about taking her to the pool. Well, it fit fine and she did not want to take it back off so I let her wear it around the house. Next thing you know, she wants her socks and boots on. “Ok sweetie, if it makes you happy we will put this unlikely combination on.” She played like this for an hour or so until we agreed it was time for a diaper change and then I made her get some warmer clothes on. Don’t you wish you could be as care free as a toddler? She’s not worried about what others think of her, she’s just having fun!

Around 4 we went up to the pool. I assumed everyone would be at super bowl parties and we would have the place to ourselves and I was right. There were more lifeguards on duty than people actually swimming in the pool. When we walked in to the lobby, Allia actually gasped with joy and anticipation. This is the really good stuff about being a parent. Then we quickly changed and headed out of the locker room and onto the pool deck. This is where she became very cautious as it was all new and different. After sitting on the side and checking out the place for 5 or 10 minutes, we walked around the toddler pool (1.5 feet deep) and then ventured all over the whole pool together. She had a great time. She didn’t want to leave at 6, but we had to pick up Zoe. She didn’t throw a total fit, and I promised we would come back soon.

1 comment:

CaraBee said...

Love the Elmo hat!! It's funny how one day they just "discover" stuff that has been sitting around forever and suddenly they love it!

I wish we had a swim place like that around here. I should look and see if there is something anywhere close. I don't think so, though. You'd think as big as Baltimore is, there would be.

Yeah, the snow. Lots of it. More coming. Sigh.