Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Did anyone get the number of the truck that hit me? Seriously I feel as bad as I ever have and not been puking. At 9 am straight up, I phoned my regular PCP to get an appointment. When I reached her super nice receptionist, Judy, she informed me that Dr. VanVoorn takes Wednesdays off. She also takes Friday’s off. Good for her, bad for me. She has her own practice so I was on my own to secure my much needed antibiotics. There was no way I was waiting another day before I started treating this thing. Besides, my mood was as bad as my sinus pressure and I just couldn’t do that to my family for another day.

Thinking fast, I phoned Zoe’s doctor’s office. I like Zoe’s doctor, Dr. Kathleen David, a lot and she is close to work in a new building (same building as the jerky dentist). I phoned the nice receptionist, explained my plight and begged for their mercy. She told me to get there ASAP and they would see me. I dashed out of work and it all went fantastic. I was back at work in no time with a Z-pak in my hand. I think I will just stick with the new doctor since it is a group practice and I won’t have to worry about my doctor working only 3 days a week.

Let’s all give a big round of applause for Antibiotics!!

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