Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We have a white Christmas here in Mid Missouri....very cold too.

This morning when Malcolm tried to leave, his car doors were frozen shut. A little warm water and he was on his way. They made it home safely with out any road problems.

Allia was so cute napping on our bed.

James enjoyed his new favorite pass time.

Good thing he enjoys it... he has a never ending supply of trees to cut.

Alli begged and begged to go outside. She was out for maybe 5 minutes and realized that Mommy and Daddy were right, it is too cold to play outside. Besides, she was not real crazy about the white stuff (snow) sticking to her.

She took a shine to this empty drywall mud bucket and packed it around for an hour or more. It was kind of cute. See how cold she got outside.

Allia's Christmas decorations in her room.

1 comment:

CaraBee said...

That picture of Alli sleeping is so precious!

When we got all that snow a couple of weeks ago, Sophie begged and begged to go outside. 20 minutes of gearing her up and she lasted all of about 3 minutes before demanding to go back inside. The great part? She wanted to go back out two hours later. Needless to say, we stayed inside that time.