Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weekend Highlights in photos:

At school, the kids stop frequently to wash their hands. Allia has been keeping up the habit at home. She loves to “wash, wash, wash”.

This is a little craft project I did. I painted the letter A for Allia and attached the ribbons for her bows. She has a lot of bows and this will keep the nicer, larger ones from getting smashed in the big jar with all the others.

Allia eats breakfast at home and then again at school. The girl is an eater. A few weeks ago, I had way too many eggs in the refrigerator so I encouraged her to have some scrambled eggs for breakfast. Well, she loved it and now, on most days, we make her scrambled eggs in the morning. Here is how Daddy does it. He lets her sit on the counter and help him “cook”. The whole operation makes me a bit nervous. I keep thinking she is going to get burned or something will get broken or she will fall off the counter. This is why Mommy is not as much fun as Daddy.

Daddy got a new (used) chain saw on Friday and spent the whole weekend cutting things down. Our fully wooded lot is now littered with cut off limbs and chopped down dead or undesirable trees. Looks like a tornado went through. So, if you are in need of some firewood.....please come and get it!

Saturday about dark, Daddy was working on the chain saw and Allia stopped to help. Just before this photo was taken, Allia was trying to climb the fence around the lagoon. She had gotten to the top, but by the time I got the camera she was back down and not in the mood to cooperate by climbing again.

Alli slipped on her Daddy’s work gloves.

Here she is eating a bowl of cereal with out a spoon.

Here she is eating her Cheerios with a spoon which is less efficient when a girl is really hungry, but much more graceful.

Sunday, Alli was taking a bath and kept saying “poo-poo”. I assumed that she may need to go potty so when she got out of the tub, I asked if she wanted to sit on her potty. She loved the idea and sat there for some time. She did not go poo-poo, but she did go pee-pee. I was so proud of her and gave her lots of praise. We then put on her big girl panties and she waltzed around feeling uninhibited.

Later, she wanted to sit again and we did get another pee-pee in the potty. The third one hit the carpet so we decided to barricade the family into the kitchen and cook dinner with hard floor and potty handy. This turned out to be a fine idea since the next pee-pee ended up on a kitchen chair. After dinner was over, we put a diaper on and put the potty chair back away. We will try again later since her heart really isn’t in it yet.

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