Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Today is Wednesday, the day that Allia skips school so she can hang out with her mom. This morning, however, Allia pretty much told me and Daddy that she wanted to go to school, not go to work with Mommy. I dismissed this idea thinking she was confused and obviously not fully awake yet. However, when we turned on to the road by work she realized where we were and gave me a some complaints. I then crossed my fingers and hoped a full blown tantrum was not coming next. Lucky for me, I promised her a good time and she was happy enough as she marched into the building like she owns the place. Overall, we had a good day, playing and socializing and all the fun stuff. I made sure to collect some extra hugs and kisses too.

Around 4:30, she was getting really antsy and bored and she kept getting into the junk/snack drawer. I kept closing the drawer and telling her to stay out of it. (I should have shooed her out of the area, but did not.) She finally opened the drawer for the 4th time, grabbed my brand new, just bought last night, one pound bag of pretzels by the bottom and yanked it out of the drawer as fast as she could. Pretzels went EVERYWHERE……the floor, the drawer, the desk…….everywhere. I was typing on my computer and stopped mid sentence, scolded her good, picked her up, walked across my office floor as pretzels crunched under my feet and placed her in her bed in the next room. She was screaming as if she was being tortured. I returned to the scene of the crime and decided I was not going to waste a whole bag of pretzels and started gingerly picking them up off the floor and placing them back in the bag being careful to leave the dirt behind. All I could think was…….maybe she should have gone to school today……grrrr. Allia continued to scream from the next room.

I then calmly called her daddy and asked if he could meet me and take the little monster, I mean sweetie, off my hands because Zoe and I had some errands to run after work. He was happy to help out and by the time I picked up all the pretzels and swept my floor, Allia and I were both calmed down and in a better mood. I plucked her from her Pack-n-play and she was all smiles. I love it when she doesn’t hold a grudge.

Modeling her turkey hat she made at school yesterday.

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