Sunday, July 12, 2009

The weekend was mostly uneventful.
As usual, I got my long run in on Saturday morning and then did my 8:30 am weight lifting class at the gym. Sunday Terry and I did a 35 mile bike ride with some pretty good hills. While on this ride, Terry got attacked by a dog and a little old man who was mouth breathing and could not see over his steering wheel. Good news is, Terry survived both attacks and will go on to ride another day.

I got back from my ride just in time as a big storm hit Columbia around 11 in morning with torrential down pours that many a friend of mine got caught out in. James had put off his bike ride and opted for a run, thinking he could get it done before the rain hit……..well he got caught out on the MKT in the storm. He returned home a bit grumpy and soaking wet.

We watched a couple of movies this weekend:

1) “The United States of Leland”
This movie is one of Zoe’s favorites and I really enjoyed it. It is interesting and different. Warning…….not a feel good movie. It is a bit depressing and dark.

2) “Taken” starring Liam Neeson.
James said he wanted an action movie that was not stupid and this was the perfect fit. It got great reviews and we enjoyed watching it. I found it hard to buy Liam in this role, but he did a good job. I would have cast someone a bit more athletic. It is amazing the way the hero in these movies always hits his target with the first shot and the bad guys ALWAYS miss their target. I guess reality is not the point.

Overall: Movie #1 too real. Movie #2 not real enough.

One other item of interest; on Saturday, James knocked a hole in the wall!
The master bath has this “dead” space that I thought we could somehow turn into storage if there were no pipes in there. We opened it up and it is just a huge hollow cavern. Now we have to decide how to put it back together. Should we put a door on it and make it a big cabinet / small closet? Should we put shelves up and leave it more open for spare towels and magazines? Now I am overwhelmed with ideas so I will have to mull it over for a while.

Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It would look nice open.