Friday, July 10, 2009

Today was dead at work so Alli and I left at 3. I had a hankering to venture up to the top of the pinnacles and soak in the feeling of being on top of the world and since I had no baby sitter, Alli would have to go along. After we drove up there, I was happy to find that not much had changed since the last time I had been there (which was at least 2.5 years ago…before Alli was born). I had to carry her up the path, but she didn’t seem to mind. She was not happy when she got brushed with a bush in the tight spots. It was a hot journey; being around 80 degrees outside and I was soaked with sweat before it was all over. At the top, Alli enjoyed the view. She was very careful and listened to me if I told her to do or not do anything. Kids seem to know that when they are in a strange environment it is best to listen to Mommy. But, she also decided it would be fun to throw her shoe over the edge. Lucky for me, it was a $5 Wal-Mart imitation Crock and other than the littering aspect of it, I was not too upset by the loss of the shoe. I went ahead and tossed the other one just in case someone found them both they might actually be able to use them as a pair.

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