Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Tuesday Trailer Ride

Today, I finally accomplished one of my goals for the summer......a bike ride with Alli in the trailer. We did about 13 miles on the MKT trail starting at Flat Branch Park, riding out to the big bridge (Perche Creek) and back. It took me about an hour to do it, so I was keeping a pretty good pace for being on a gravel trail with lots of foot traffic and pulling a trailer. There is one spot that goes under the highway I had to walk the bike. There was a lot of water on the ground under there, (it is basically where the creek goes under the road) and if I rode through there, my rear wheel roosted water right up on to Alli.

Alli slept most of the way out but woke up when I turned around and snapped these photos. She seemed to enjoy the ride but enjoyed the playground after the ride even more.

Hopefully, if the weather cooperates, I can make Tuesday trailer rides a regular weekly event. Anyone that wants to join me, you are certainly welcome to ride along next week.

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