Wednesday, July 08, 2009

About 3 months ago, I figured out that you can download a free podcast each week of the current addition of This American Life (from Chicago Public Radio). If you want to buy an old episode, you can purchase it through I Tunes, but I want MP3 files and I want them for free, so I set it up to download each week for me. These hour long broadcasts are usually very interesting stories well put together and worth listening too. I really enjoy them. In fact there are a few, that are so good……..that I am pressuring my friends and family to hear them. I am happy to report, that after collecting these for a few months, I decided to burn them to a DVD. The new car will play MP3 files so I put like 12 of these one hour long broadcasts on a disc to listen to in the car. It is GREAT!!! I am so loving it. I have also burned my favorite shows as wave files (can only fit one per disc) so anyone that can play a music CD, can play them. I will be loaning these out to my friends…..hurry and put your request in before they are all gone!!

I see that the show called “Fear of Sleep” is coming up soon. I have heard it before and it is particularly funny. Check it out if you get a chance. Other favorites are "Mistakes were made" and "Switched at Birth".

Today after work when I picked up Alli, Lisa reported that she had had a pretty crabby day. I really think she is not totally recovered from being sick last week. She seems to be needing a little extra sleep and is a bit short on patience. We then went to the gym for about an hour and Alli played with Grace in the gym daycare……evidently not being too crabby. When I went to pick her up, Grace’s mom, the woman in charge, (wish I knew her name) told me that Alli had been pointing out the window and saying “car”. You could in fact, see our car from the window. Next we went and picked up Sissy, then home to make some Basil Pesto pasta for dinner.

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