Saturday, July 04, 2009

At 4 am, James got up, ate a bowl of cereal and left to go do a boat race.

Alli and I slept until 7 or so. It had rained over night and the streets were a steamy hot mess so I stalled my morning run thinking it might get a bit less muggy outside. Finally around 9 I headed out for my usual run around the lake. I saw lots and lots of friendly people and they all waved at me. I am not kidding, on my 4.5 mile jog, I waived at about 40 people.

I saw the cute kids assembling for the annual 4th of July parade. I have fond memories of doing our neighborhood parade as a kid.

After I cleaned up, Grandma Rae, Alli and I did a little shopping. All we purchased was a small set of markers for Grandma to keep at her house. We got home in time for lunch and then Alli took her nap.

Daddy returned around dinner time and we headed across the street to the neighborhood barbecue. A good time was had by all.

Alli sampled the rib…..bones.

She also ate a cup cake, which is new for her.

Usually, she won’t try anything so adventuresome.

Alli and I were wiped out and went to bed by 9. Daddy was not far behind. Next year, we plan on staying up late so Alli can watch the fireworks.

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