Sunday, June 07, 2009

This morning I did a quick 4-5 mile jog and James and Slebos went to the lake with the canoe. Alli had fun exploring Grandma's garden and playing with water in buckets on the back patio.

At 3 we packed up and drove to Slebos and Nancy’s new place for a house warming party. There were 2 other little girls there and a dog, so Alli had a great time playing and mommy and Daddy got the chance to get out and socialize a bit. We had a great time and their house is super nice.

Josie is 2.

Alli tried on her hat.

We left around 7:30 and Alli seemed tired and we hoped she would sleep on the drive. However, she spent most of the 2.5 hour drive complaining that she wanted her bottle and wining because she was so tired. She finally fell asleep at 9:45 ..........only 15 minutes before we arrived home.

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