Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sick baby day 1
This morning, I got up at 5 am and met Terry for a bike ride at 6. We did 35 miles and it was GREAT. Then I went home and cooked a big breakfast, started the crock pot, drank some coffee and cooked up some additional food items. James headed out to do a Guthry loop with Etter. Zoe and I watched The Wire on DVD and tended to Alli's needs. Then Zoe wanted to do some clothes shopping so we headed to the mall. While we were out, Alli was really good. In fact, she was so good and quiet......I knew it wasn't right. Then she started nodding off in my lap while we were in the fitting room with Zoe trying on clothes. She had already taken a solid nap for the day. Around three in the afternoon, I told Zoe I needed to run her home and get the sick baby home before things took a turn for the worse. Alli was just droopy and it is not like her to be so quiet. Of course, when we were only a few miles from home Alli finally threw up in the new car all over her car seat. Once home, I put her in the tub, while James got the car seat out of the car and took it apart. I then ran the washer and dried the baby and spent the rest of the evening watching her for signs of change........for better or worse. By bedtime, she was really hot and crabby so we put her in bed with us to better monitor her status. She spent the night sleeping a bit and then complaining of discomfort and we begged her to drink her sippy cup with medicine in it and watched her for her fever to get worse. She was really hot all night......It was a long night for all of us.

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