Saturday, June 27, 2009

Today was the hottest day of the year so far........upper 90s and humid. Felt miserable.
I started my Saturday off as I do most, with a long run. Today I met Julie & Terry and we did the 8 mile Hy-Vee run. It went great and everyone loved the route. I figured it out a few weeks ago when I ran by myself. I was thrilled it was appreciated. Best thing of all, there are 4 bathroom/ water breaks along this route.

After the run, I came home and relieved James of Alli so he and Etter and Charlie could go paddle up a river. I noticed the wagon was out by the curb and assumed James had put it there so Etter could find the house. Later that evening, we both realized that the wagon was gone!! I guess someone drove by and saw it by the road and assumed it was up for grabs. I am so sad……..that wagon was my little brothers and it has some sentimental value. Besides, Alli loves to ride in it. Guess I will have to buy a new wagon for the girl.

After breakfast, Alli and I went to the gym for BodyPump class. Alli stayed at the gym daycare with Brenda and had a super good time. She did not cry or poop or anything! Brenda really adores her. There were lots of kids there, but Brenda had a few other grownups helping her out.
When James came home later in the day he said our road was in bad shape. The tar was coming out of the chip and seal and the whole things is a wet and nasty mess. I guess the extreme heat got to it.

We spent rest of the day trying to stay cool. We did projects in the house or sat in the puddle pool.
One of our projects was this:
Using an old bed spread for material, I sewed James a couple of draw string bags to store and transport his million dollar canoe paddles in. I think they turned out pretty swell. They cost a total of $0 each and took me about an hour to make. (Learning to sew when I was a 12 year old girl scout has certainly come in handy over the years.)

I finally ran my shoes up to the Goodwill.....11 pairs in all. I also gave 3 pairs of Birkenstocks to my mother. So at the end of the day about 14 pairs of shoes have been rendered useless to me thanks to my stupid Neuromas.

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